Landscape with staffageIn collaboration with Dmitry Chevozerov and Tatyana MorozovaA series of video documentaries of performance-interventions in anatural landscapeEach video is 30 seconds long.Apartment Gallery, Istanbul, 2023White lines, Moscow2021A series of 5 video documentation of performance-interventions
in the natural landscape. The duration of each video is over
2 min.
Staffage (decorate pictures with figures) special meaning
acquired in painting romanticism, in which the environment and
nature were a characteristic of the emotional state of the subject
depicted in the picture.
The scale figure occupies a small place, thereby bringing nature
to first plan. However, this technique organizes the space
around a person. If, however, we add the category of time to
the landscape, but at the same time leave the figure static, then
a difference in the dynamics of natural phenomena appears,
a person acquires a property that is usually not reflected - an
object among other objects, the figure and the background
change places.