Curators: Anna Belousova, Ksenia Kudrina
Co-curator, leader of the reading group: Ilya Deikun
Artists: Veronika Aktanova, Andrey Andreev, Anna Belousova,
Anastasia Vepreva, Alexander Golynsky,Alexander Gorelikov, Danini,
Ilya Deikun, Mikhail Dolyanovsky, Ksenia Dranysh, Viktor Zhdanov,
Andrey Ishonin, Ksenia Kangina, Olya Kroytor, Kirill Kryuchkov, Anton
Kushaev, Aurora Lotton, Olga Mashinets, Liza Neklessa, Ivan Novikov,
Anatoly Osmolovsky, Irina Petrakova, Alek Petuk, Abram Rebrov,
Anastasia Ryabova, Egor Sofronov, Saida Sattarova, Oleg Frolov, Valery

The exhibition of infographics is a representation of artistic and analytical comments on affective writing, which is also a kind of bodily commentary on the event that caused it.
What is Infography?
This is a composition that resembles both an infographics and a collage and is an artistic and analytical interpretation of the artist’s own affective drawings.In the course of research, surveys and reading groups, as well as on the basis of art archives,we found that the vast majority of artists draw outside
the traditional media for the artist,creating non-pragmatic, completely involuntary compositions of visual elements. The media for these involuntary exercises can serve as anything from checks to cards under the scrap.

While being non-pragmatic, such drawings and compositions should, if presented as exhibits, on the one hand, take on an uncharacteristic pragmatism, on the other - confuse or, in the worst case, traumatize the artist, because sometimes the drawings have an auto-therapeutic character and reveal obsessive motives, repetitive patterns and generally represent the landscape of the unconscious. This is where the «Infography» is needed, that is, the image and introspection of the artist, who, building his visual theory, makes his own «protective» comment on affective outlines. We found out that the drawing and the corresponding infographic have the following functions.

Curatorial INFOGRAPHY instead of text and an archive of drawings in the margins of the artists participating in the exhibition

Artists' drawings in the margins from the exhibition archive

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