20x40 cm.
Texts by Olga Leonova
"Form and Text," Hermitage Youth Center

We were united by the idea of the inseparability of the bodily and the spiritual, as well as the desire to make visible the experience of weaknesses that are commonly hidden in the post-Soviet environment. The three books in the series focus on three somatic diseases: hypothyroidism, reflux, and sclerosis. The books have two layers. On the outer layer are hand-printed photographs-images of the body that are not just illustrations to accompany the text from the inner layer; they express the bodily condition by calligraphically marking the "diseases."
In the inner layer is a documentary text about bodily embodiments of Olga's feelings, recorded in the form of articles in medical reference books and diagnoses. When she touches the transparent surface of the rice paper the texts become visible.


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