LAMPA gallery, Pushkinskaya art center, 10
St. Petersburg, 2017.

The performance is a two-hour experiment during which I draw
on the horizontal plane of the gallery everything that falls within
the area of attention, and the viewer can influence the creation
of the drawing by drawing attention to themselves or objects.
The picture plane is a clear plan of the room, which is also
placed on the walls of the gallery in several copies.

There is a well-known Thomas Jung’s two-slit experiment
demonstrating the interference of light and proving that light is a
wave, not a particle. However, quantum physics has established
the fact that when an observer is included into this system the
photon changes its behavior and becomes a particle again,
i.e. there is a collapse of the wave function. Consequently, the
observer is also a necessary participant of the process.

A continuous line coming out from under my hand captures
my perception of space, just as instruments capture a physical
phenomenon. The images of some people, layered on top
of others, displace them from the symbolic field, turning
the drawing into an abstract pattern - a graph reflecting the
interaction of participants in time and space. In this way the
process opposite to the collapse of a wave into a particle is

video documentation 19.04.2017

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