the Provodka space, Kristall factory, Moscow

In the post-Academy world prehensile reflex awakes in us: trying not to drown we dive in our mind and inner world and find the fundamental basis in our education - the ideal of beauty. This unconscious and intrusive wish of aesthetics turns us to represent the original beauty not in barbaric and primitive form but in the classic art tradition. We’re attracted by reserved, all-sufficent harmonious plasty of ancient Greek sculpture as the personification of objective ideal.
We try to remove fragments of the pure aesthetic form from the temporal context and daily life, to show the value and inviolability of beauty.
Drawing the models in the conservative conditions of Academy, we don’t personificate them because we see just their bodies with muscules and bones, an occasion to represent our drawing skills and knowledge of plastic anatomy. We want to liven up the images of laymen using the dialog with our models by photographic capturing of the current moment.
We use analog printing techniques transforming photography to the estamp.
In this way, we fix the vulnerable image of beauty through the ritual: dialog - digital refinement - hand printing.
Escaping from academic pathos and pretentiousness, we repeat the principles of Academy as a spell to catch something eternal.

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