Bedroom District
graphic sheet
paper, sauce, ink, acrylic

Graphic sheet, consisting of a series of images from photographs taken while riding in a shuttle bus through a bedroom neighborhood in Nizhny Novgorod. The size of each image is 65x85 cm. Quantity - about 35 pieces. All of them are drawn in sequence, relative to the path, in one roll. The length of the roll is about 30 м. The drawings are based on photographic documentation of a 20 minute ride on a shuttle bus through the microdistrict "Meshcherskoye Ozero" neighborhood in Nizhny Novgorod.
I allowed my gaze to glide along the gray of gray nine-story buildings until it stopped at the the spontaneously acquired significance of the road signs, a clean new balcony, a power line tower, or a suddenly the sudden perspective of the street. In such moments. photographs were taken that allowed for a closer view of the landscape. The line drawings from the photographs formed my subjective architectural landscape neighborhood.
The project is a poetic reflection on the question of shaping of the identity of the man of the bedroom community. a form of resistance to the mechanistic nature of existence, the repetitive patterns of interaction between locals with the environment, a sense of the futility of existence in such landscapes.

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